When Alexander and Kyhl first began creating Rush Rhees Library and the Eastman Quad in Minecraft, they did not envision creating the inside of any of the buildings. The primary focus of the build was developing a 1:1 scale model of the quad, based on measurements from Google Earth and photographs of the library.
When Alexander posted progress in the Overheard at Rochester Facebook group, he discovered that Sean was also building his own version of Rush Rhees. The two continued posting photos of their progress on the page and began to think about collaboration.
When the new Virtual UR core team (Alexander, Kyhl, Sean, Serena) met for the first time, they decided to combine Kyhl and Alexander’s efforts with those of Sean and Serena in one shared Minecraft world. The team’s first big decision was which Rush Rhees Library to keep.
While Kyhl and Alexander’s version of the library was more to-scale, they were not yet done building the outside, and did not have plans for adding an interior. Sean’s version allowed for a better experience inside the library and could still fit very nicely with the Eastman Quad already being built by Kyhl and Alexander, as well as the Wilson Quad built by Serena.
This marked the first big milestone in the Virtual UR world: the blending of the library and quad builds into the new Virtual UR Eastman Quad.