The Art of Building a Virtual Campus in Minecraft

One common question our team receives, especially from UR alumni interested in the Virtual UR project, is how our world developers knew which blocks to use – and where to place them – to create realistic buildings reminiscent of those on the physical University campus. The art of building a virtual campus was fostered by months of practice with Minecraft and years of memories at the University of Rochester.

Virtual UR Grand Opening

The Virtual UR Grand Opening included a tour and the public opening of the Minecraft world. Not long after opening, emotional notes poured in from the University community reminding our team of why our campus is home.

Honoring the University of Rochester Class of 2020

After the overwhelmingly-positive community response to the creation of Virtual UR, our team worked to develop a plan for honoring the achievements of the Class of 2020. At first, the plan was to hold an unofficial Virtual UR commencement as the launch of the Virtual UR Minecraft world. But when our team heard the voices … Read more